د احمد بدر

المعلومات الشخصية

التقييم التقييم :

التخصص التخصص : كيمياء

الجنسية الجنسية : مصر

 المنطقة المنطقة : مصر

الجنس الجنس : ذكر

بيانات التواصل

Position , Academic Ranks and Address :
Lecturer (M.D) & Staff Member in The department of Clinical Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, Menoufia University, Menoufia , Egypt (from 2002 and Until present Date).
Education and Qualifications
1. 2000 : Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery (MB ChB) degree in 2000, From Faculty of Medicine, Menoufia University, with overall rate of very good.
2. 2006 : Master Degree in the Clinical Pharmacology, in 2006, From Faculty of Medicine, Menoufia University, with overall rate of very good (84.47%).
Thesis Title:” Effect of diazepam (benzodiazepine receptor agonist) on the inflammatory responses in the
responses in the experimental animals ”
3. 2012 : Doctorate of Clinical Pharmacology (M.D) degree in January 2012, From Faculty of Medicine, Menoufia University. (M.D Credit Hours System); With the Excellent degree

Thesis Title: Effect of Statin Therapy on Heart Failure (Experimental and Clinical Study)
Teaching Experiences inside Egypt and Saudia Arabia Kingdom :
about more than18 years experience in
Teaching Pharmacology, Clinical pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy Courses and Experimental laboratory pharmacology courses for undergraduate students (Medical program , Pharm-D program , Pharmacy program; Lectures, PBL, TBL, Clinical Case study). In addition for teaching other courses like Biochemistry , Toxicology and Physiology for medical, pharmacy students and Teaching Dental Pharmacology1 and dental Pharmacology 2 , General physiology
For Dentistry program students.

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